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Tithing F.A.Q.

What Is a Tithe?

A tithe is 10% of your income given specifically to your local church. Because the custom of tithing is biblical, many Christians and Jews practice it as part of their faith. And while it’s important to give your time and your talents by doing things like serving at a local food bank or knitting a blanket for a homebound neighbor, the word tithing refers to giving money.

According to Leviticus 27:30 (TLB), “A tenth of the produce of the land, whether grain or fruit, is the Lord’s, and is holy.” And Proverbs 3:9 (NIV) says, “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops.” The gardening metaphors may have thrown you off, but these verses are essentially saying to give a portion, specifically a tenth, of whatever you make (aka your income) back to God. And firstfruits is just a biblical way of saying that you should give first—before you do anything else with your money.

God so loved the world that He gave.

It is a privilege to give back to God what He has graciously given to us. We commit to being good stewards of His generosity.

Five Reasons to Consider Online Giving

Online giving doesn’t work for everyone. You need to give in the way that works for you and is most comfortable. But here are some reasons to consider making the switch:

  1. It makes pledged and committed giving easier. By setting up a recurring gift, your offering gets to the church on the date you want it to, whether you’re out of town, home sick, or you forgot your check on the kitchen table.
  2. It’s convenient. You don’t have to be sitting in the church pew to give. You can send in your offering anytime, anywhere.
  3. It’s green. There is no envelope, checks, stamps, or driving to the bank involved when giving online.
  4. It helps the church plan well. The consistency of recurring gifts helps the finance committee and trustees plan expenditures better and not just guess.
  5. It’s less work. From the counting, to the recording, to the trips to the bank, traditional offerings create tasks that are not needed for online giving.

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Giving is easy with Church Center. Set up your initial account information and all future transactions are seamless and automatic. Thank you for your support!

This option helps the church in more ways than one and is appreciated. Contact Lyndal directly and he can give you information on how to set up your bank draft.

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More Church
PO Box 51465
Amarillo, Texas 79159

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Lots of Ways to Get Involved

Join Us At These On-Going Events!

First Fruits Offering

1st Sunday of the Month

By giving God the first fruits, Israel acknowledged that all good things come from God and that everything belongs to God. Giving the first fruits was also a way of expressing trust in God’s provision; just as He provided the first fruits, so He would provide the rest of the crops that were needed. At More Church we accept a first fruits on behalf of different ministries and organizations in our community.

Water Baptisms

3rd Sunday of the Month

According to the Bible, water baptism is a symbolic act whereby a new Christian identifies with Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. Water baptism is a public profession of a person's repentance and faith in Jesus Christ and a way of giving outward testimony to an inward work of God. If you are ready to get baptized, please contact Lyndal Waldrip directly.

Baby Dedications

4th Sunday of the Month

Christian parents who dedicate a child are making a promise to the Lord before the church congregation to do everything within their power to raise the child in a godly way — prayerfully — until he or she can make a decision on his or her own to follow God. Parents who make this vow, or commitment, are instructed to raise the child in the ways of God and not according to their own ways. Contact Lyndal Waldrip directly to set up your baby's dedication.


Frequently Asked Questions About Tithing

Why Tithe?

The Bible tells us that tithing is a way to show that we trust God with our lives and our finances. But the tithe wasn’t put in place for God’s benefit—He already owns everything. He doesn’t need our money. Instead, tithing is meant for our benefit because sacrificing a portion of our income helps us look outside our selfishness and makes us more aware of the needs of others.

In fact, one of the main purposes of tithing is to support the needs of pastors and the work of the local church. Tithes help pay the pastor’s salary, keep the church’s lights on, and meet the needs of the community.

Tithing is an act of faith that helps us keep our priorities straight. It reminds us that we don’t own anything in this life. God is in control, and we’re only managers of what He’s given us.

Ever notice how unselfish people tend to make better spouses, friends, relatives, employees and employers? Yeah, they usually have better finances too! That’s the beauty of tithing. We don’t give to get, but God often blesses us with more if we’re good managers of what we already have. Tithing recognizes that God is our provider and that we will prosper with more than just money if we rely on Him.

Should I be tithing while trying to pay off debt?

Even if you’re in debt or walking through a rough financial season, tithing should still be a priority. While it’s tempting to throw that money at your debt, the discipline (and faith) that tithing brings is so worth it. Even while you’re paying down debt, you can still have an attitude of giving—and be generous!

If you think it’ll take a miracle to get through the month with 10% less in your wallet, you might need to do a lifestyle check. Take a look at your budget and find ways to cut back on spending. Now, that might mean reducing some of your fun money, packing your lunch instead of eating out every day, or buying generic products—but it is possible!

You should hold off on offerings while you’re paying off debt, though. Tithes come off the top of your income, but offerings come out of anything left over. And if you’re in debt, you should put all your extra money toward your debt snowball. Once you’re out of debt, then you’ll be free to give as generously as you want!

Do I have to tithe?

As we mentioned before, people who tithe are usually those who believe in the Bible. And tithing 10% specifically is biblical, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a Christian to tithe. It also doesn’t mean you’re a bad Christian if you don’t tithe.

God loves us when we give and when we don’t give. Tithing isn’t a way to earn God’s love—because we already have it. In fact, in Matthew 23:23, Jesus warns against focusing too much on the rules of tithing without paying attention to the more important things like justice, mercy and faithfulness.

You should be giving in some way. But when it comes to tithing, it’s more of a spiritual discussion than a financial discussion. Because tithing isn’t about the money—it’s about the heart. It’s living with the attitude that we’re blessed to be a blessing.

2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV) says, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Tithing means you’re being obedient to God, so you should give without expecting anything in return. Giving encourages a grateful and generous spirit and can help steer us away from being greedy or loving money too much. Plus, being outrageously generous is so much more fun!

If I’m not affiliated with a church, should I still donate 10% of my income?

If we’re getting technical, giving 10% of your income to anything other than the local church isn’t a tithe—it’s just giving. But that’s never a bad thing! Even if you’re not a part of a local church, there are plenty of ministries and organizations that are doing great work and could benefit from some of your income.

Think of charities with causes that tug on your heartstrings the most and find ways to support them financially. Whether it’s a local homeless shelter or a group dedicated to ending hunger, just make sure they fall in line with your beliefs. Take some time to do a little research so you know they run their organization with integrity.

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Amarillo, TX 79106

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PO BOX 51465
Amarillo, TX 79159