More About More

Letting You Be You Since 1999
Service Time 10:00amGive

Our Mission & Vision


In the parable of the Prodigal Son, Jesus paints a beautiful and clear picture of our Father:
“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.”  Luke 15: 20

No cross-examination… no lecture… no leading in a proper prayer of repentance. Just love for His lost son.

The Father’s not waiting for us to pray the right way or to show the proper remorse for our failures; He is simply waiting for us to return to Him. God’s desire is to give us grace (unmerited favor)… And then for us to give that same grace to everyone around us…unconditionally!

We extend grace to others even before we know they are really sorry…before they learn their lesson…before they really change…before they promise to never do it again…Just like our Heavenly Father does for us.



Jesus determines the value of people by paying the price to purchase them!  Matthew 13:44 says that the Father spent all He had (Jesus) to purchase mankind. 

Jesus spent the majority of His time on earth developing friendships. People are the most valuable thing in the universe.

 Jesus said, “On love hangs all the law and prophets.” Why would our focus be on anything other than love?

 Relationships and love are more important than theology.

Our Team

Our Beliefs

Service Times

News & Events

Kids & Youth


Who We Are

Our Team & Leadership

More Church is a community of faithful, creative, authentic Christ-followers who are united in one purpose: to be and make disciples of Jesus. Our Staff Team serves, equips, and deploys the saints to live on-mission for the glory of our King.

Lyndal Waldrip

Lyndal Waldrip

Senior Pastor

Lyndal grew up at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch and has spent most of his life in the Amarillo area. He has a journalism degree from West Texas State University and after years in the newspaper, public relations and insurance businesses, joined MORE full-time in September 2003. He has been an elder since the church began in November 1999. He currently serves as Senior Pastor and Senior Elder at MORE as well as board president and coordinator for the Prisoner ReEntry Project (PREP), a prison reentry program the church is heavily involved in at Randall County Jail in Amarillo. Lyndal and Becky have been married for almost 40 years and have two wonderful sons (Logan and Landry) and seven beautiful grandchildren (LeAnne, Chassis, Layton, Lynnix Blair, Ellie, Witten and Burke Dean). Lyndal also produces the Weekly Update, an article that keeps members up-to-date on information and activities happening during the week here at MORE.

Go to the most current Weekly Update here.

Becky Waldrip

Becky Waldrip

Welcome Ministries Pastor

Becky Waldrip’s passion for connection and friendship not only made her the perfect candidate for MORE’S welcome center.  We desire for people to feel the love of God through us whether it’s through a hot cup of coffee, a kind word, a smile or a hug. This ministry is an extension of the Core Values of MORE. 

“Be kind and merciful. Let no one ever come to you without coming better and happier. Be the living expression of God’s kindness to the poor. To the poor, to all who suffer and are lonely, give always a happy smile, give them your care, but also you heart.” ~Mother Teresa~

Wendy Roach

Wendy Roach

Healing & Prophetic Pastor

Wendy grew up in Amarillo and has a love and appreciation for the Texas Panhandle’s unique lifestyle. Wendy enjoyed being a wife and stay-at-home mom while raising her 4 children, but in 2006 she opened and began overseeing the Healing and Prophetic Rooms at MORE. With Wendy’s leadership, this ministry has grown into one of MORE’s most effective outreaches, reaching hundreds of new people every year. Pastor Wendy also serves as Senior Administrative Pastor and Elder. She has four grown children and 6 grandchildren.

Click here for more information on the Healing and Prophetic Rooms.

Kathryn Roach

Kathryn Roach

Worship Leader

Kathryn was born and raised in Amarillo. She attended Paramount Terrace Christian and Trinity Fellowship Church growing up and came to MORE in 2010. She has a passion for worship, people, music of any kind, painting, traveling, and a special love for her friends and family. Kathryn married Trey Roach in 2015, they had their first child in 2019. They are both involved in several ministries within MORE. Kathryn currently serves as the worship leader and anywhere else she can share her passion for creativity. See more about Kathryn and MORE Music here.

Matt Lemburg

Matt Lemburg

Lead Musician

Matt and his wife Amber moved to Amarillo in 2008 after living in coastal California all of their lives.  He and his brother Benjamin had met MORE’s previous worship pastor, Kevin Prosch, in 2003 when they hired him to produce an album for their band StreetChoir.  Over the next five years they would record a total of three albums with him and doing so brought them to Amarillo a number of times.  Matt and Amber made a lot of friends here at the church and fell in love with its culture of grace and the warm, friendly nature of the people in this area.  Matt has been playing guitar as well as other instruments for thirty years and has been producing records for nearly as long. He is currently on staff as Lead Musician and also runs MajorSeven Recording Studio here at MORE.

Tanner Beggs

Tanner Beggs

Youth Pastor

Tanner and Linsey Beggs have been a part of MORE for many years.  We usually see them on the stage, where they serve as backbones to our worship team.  Currently they are leading our youth and teaching them to walk in a way that is pleasing to the Lord so that they may bear fruit and grow with an abundance of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  Along with equipping our young adults with biblical teachings they can utilize in their everyday lives, they strive to create an atmosphere of love where every person can be accepted, just as Christ has accepted us.
Tanner’s wife, Linsey, is a fourth-grade teacher and they have a son, Zion.  Learn more about MORE YOUTH here.

Amber Howe

Amber Howe

Creative Projects Director & Children’s Minister

Amber’s toes are dipped in most creative endeavors here at More, including online content, bulletin boards, decorating and more. She started and organizes More’s annual Handmade Holiday Market and cooks homemade dinners for the children during Wednesday evening services. She has been helping with kids church for around 8 years and has recently taken on the roll of lead teacher for our K- 3rd grade children. Traveling, being outdoors, blogging, photography and jewelry-making are some of her favorite ways to pass the time.  Amber has been married to Matt Lemburg (More’s lead musician) for 19 years.  They have a husky and 2 cats and hope someday to have bees, chickens and pigs.

Tori Flores

Tori Flores

Nusery Director

Tori was born and raised in Amarillo and has been at MORE since the beginning.  She helped in the nursery as a teenager, and 2 years after she graduated from WT with a teaching degree she was offered the chance to use her teaching skills with our kids at MORE.  Her gentle spirit, love of teaching and organizational skills add strength to our nursery and to the pre-school in Canyon where she teaches part-time.  She has a beautiful 3-year-old son, AJ.

Jennifer Martin

Jennifer Martin

Pastoral Assistant & Prayer Leader

Jennifer is a vital part of several ministries here. She makes hospital visits, is a leader for our intercessory prayer gatherings and ministers on Sunday mornings & Wednesday nights through prayer and prophetic words. Tuesdays she leads a women’s prayer group to explore the heart of God. She also assists our pastors with anything they need. Jennifer has 3 wonderful children-Miriam, Liam and Asher.

Chad Conner

Chad Conner

Acts Community Director

Changing Our Community One Life at a Time

Based in the heart of San Jacinto, our center meets the needs of residents using tools such as food, hygiene items & baby supplies. Through relationship, we receive the opportunity to focus on deeper issues contributing to poverty in this neighborhood. MORE is proud to be a part of and support this community center. If you would like to know more about Acts Community please visit their website at


MORE has 15 Elders that oversee the spiritual & financial health of the church. There are 8 non-staff Elder positions and 3 Staff Elders positions. The Elders are lead by Senior Pastor Lyndal Waldrip but operate as a body. The decisions that are made require unanimous agreement. We have operated with this Elder Leadership model since starting the church in November, 1999.

Pastors Lyndal & Becky Waldrip

Pastors Lyndal & Becky Waldrip

Senior Leaders

Wendy Roach

Wendy Roach

Senior Leader

Jim & Joni Holley

Jim & Joni Holley

Board President

Joni-Teacher AISD

Bob & Debra Crump

Bob & Debra Crump


Keith & Sherry Moore

Keith & Sherry Moore

Keith-Code-Whisperer at Pantex

Matt Lemburg and Amber Howe

Matt Lemburg and Amber Howe

Lead Musician & Creative Projects Director & Children’s Minister


The Deacons at MORE are responsible for the physical care of the church. They assist folks on Sunday mornings that need help in any way. They lead our team of Watchmen that oversee the security of the church. The Deacons administrate the Martha Ministry that provides meals and comfort for those members that have had a hospital stay or a difficult time. The list of duties is long and varied from locking up the church to ministering at the altar. The Deacons at MORE are busy every week serving the needs of our body.

Kerry & Susan Luke

Kerry & Susan Luke

Troy & Camelia Johnson

Troy & Camelia Johnson

Brad & Crystal Chambers

Brad & Crystal Chambers

Mike & Tina Hadley

Mike & Tina Hadley

Perry & Tammy Hawkins

Perry & Tammy Hawkins

Eli & Danielle Ramos

Eli & Danielle Ramos

Lonny & Delinda Flake

Lonny & Delinda Flake

Bruce & Christine Ballard

Bruce & Christine Ballard

Jim & Cathy Thompson

Jim & Cathy Thompson

Staff Mission Statement

We will commit to be honest, open and have integrity in all our dealings.

We will tell the truth, be accountable to someone and do the right thing regardless of the outcome.

 We are committed to loving people and loving God above all else.

 We are committed to letting His Spirit move in and through us at all times.

 He is the one that will determine what our church and ministries look like.

 MORE is not following any other church’s blueprint or style.

 MORE is committed to allowing His Spirit to direct every ministry in the church.

 MORE is committed to being a prototype church, in that we will create a grace-
filled environment that allows people to grow in their particular gifting.

 MORE is committed to creating an environment where God can encounter people.

 This staff will strive to maintain a healthy environment for all people.

 We will give grace to those who fail.

 We will encourage those who quit.

 We will admonish those that hurt themselves or others.

 We will not let anyone’s convictions crush or be crushed by others.

 We will honor those that are different and protect their unique individuality

 Problems will be confronted quickly, approached with resolution and restoration in mind.

 People’s questions will be answered as we are able.

 People’s feelings will be considered but not allowed to affect a difficult decision.

“Thank you for taking the time to peruse our web site. We are honored that you desire to know more about the church and our leadership team. Leadership is one of the most important factors when choosing a house of worship for you and your family.

At MORE, we are committed to having people in leadership that embody the Mission statement of our church: “MORE exists to provide an opportunity for all people to have a real encounter with a real God…and through that encounter find their unique purpose.”

Every staff member works hard to usher in the presence of God into every meeting and service. We know that church without His Presence is meaningless. Our hope and prayer is that God will encounter you like never before and as a result of that encounter, you will be forever changed.

In Isaiah 6, Isaiah entered into God’s throne room and was commissioned to become one of the greatest prophets the world has ever known. Ephesians 4 states that the purpose of church leadership is to “equip the saints to do the work of the ministry” and that is our desire for you and every member of your family: That you would find your created purpose and we would help equip you to walk in that purpose.”

– Pastor Daryl Roach


Frequently Asked Questions


5511 Amarillo Blvd. W. , Amarillo, TX 79106
(Go to our contact page or click here to open in Google Maps).


We meet at 10:o0am.  The nursery and children’s church are available at both services.  MORE Youth (7th-12th grades) meets each Sunday after worship in the 10:00 service.


Wear what you want!  We have people that love to dress their best, and we have friends who are just getting off a shift at work and still in their uniform.  We just want you to be comfortable!


We start our services with 30-40 minutes of worship, followed by 30-40 minutes of the word.  At the end of our service our ministry team is available for anyone wanting prayer. Of course we can’t say for certain how every Sunday will look, as we allow for changes at the Holy Spirit’s prompting.


Depends.  Do you want to hang out, have coffee/tea before the service starts?  We’d love to get to know you beforehand!  If you have kids, you can drop them off as early as 15 minutes before your service starts. 


We provide services for birth through 5th grades at the 9 and 10:30 AM meetings.  Nursery children (birth through Pre-K) are divided into 4 rooms according to age, while Kindergarten through 6th graders meet in our children’s area at the end of our secure hallway.  Kids are served snacks & have a Bible lesson along with worship, ministry time and crafts/play time.  You can learn more about our kid’s ministry here.

MORE Youth (7th-12th) meets every Sunday after worship during the second service and on Wednesday nights, where they eat dinner, hang out, have opportunity to dive into the word and worship together.  Often the teens are given an opportunity to share their hearts and give a message with Pastor Tanner cheering them on!  Learn more about our youth here.


We have a full band at MORE, and we believe corporate worship is a time where we become a unified body that shows our gratitude and love for our Creator. We believe the Spirit of the Lord brings freedom so we seek His presence, especially in worship.  Yes our team practices, but they’re also happy enough to change mid-stream if they feel led.  We sing contemporary songs by Gungor, Hillsong, Bethel, Andy Squyres and others, as well as tried & true favorites. We love hymns, psalms, prophetic worship, songs of the 1890’s and 1990’s, gospel, rock ’n’ roll, funk, country, blues, stadium anthems and folk music!  Read more about our heart for worship from our leaders on our Music page.  Our musicians also write many of their own worship songs.

Stay in Touch

Service Times


Our Location

5511 Amarillo Blvd W.
Amarillo, TX 79106

Mailing Address

PO BOX 51465
Amarillo, TX 79159